What Are You Missing In Order To Support Yourself Well Through The Menopause Years?
Ok, ok, ok....."true confession" time ;) Here are a couple facts about me that hurdled me headlong into navigating how in the world do I support my body during this chapter of my life? #1 I never expected to go through menopause at age 47. I thought I had a good 10 years left of my perimenopause years (Actually, I'm very thankful perimenopause did NOT last that long. In my experience, perimenopause was MUCH worse than menopause is for me and I think it's all because of what I am going to share with you. #2 Because I never really gave much thought to what I was putting into my body until I was forced to at age 35 (more about my 6-year run with doctors every 3 months in another blog post)--but let's just say that I thought I could live on Ramen Noodles, Chinese take-out (Mu-Shu Pork can be addicting--just sayin'), and chocolate frosted Entemann's doughnuts (do they even make those anymore?) during both of my pregnancies and beyond while plopping myself d...