Ten Home Decorating Hacks "Quarantine Style"

{sing to the tune of Fresh Prince of Bel-Air} ♭♭♮♯🎵🎵Now this is a story all about how my life got flipped-turned upside down, And I'd like to take a minute, Just sit right there, I'll tell you how I decided to re-decorate with flair. In New Jersey is where I was raised, Looking through magazines was where I spent most of my days, Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool, I was working on a home economics project for school, When a couple of guys in my group were up to no good, Started making trouble and challenged me to create the best decorating project I could, I got in one little scissor fight and my teacher got scared, She said "Lisa, you lead this group--you're the best prepared!" ♭♮🎵🎵 OK LOL that's a bit far fetched but seriously, who else's "life got flipped-turned upside down" over the last couple months with the "COVID-19 Quarantine"? This quarantine has taught me many things! Many positives came from this ti...